Flavor variation in coffee roasting profiles

Flavor variation in coffee roasting profiles

Oct 21, 2023Emiro Zuñiga

Coffee roasting is a crucial process that radically transforms the green bean into coffee, modifying its initial characteristics to create the flavors, acidity and body we ultimately enjoy in a cup of coffee. 

Light roast: Lightly roasted coffee beans have a light brown color and no oil on the surface. This type of roast highlights the acidity of the coffee, which is often associated with fruity and citrus notes. Lightly roasted coffee beans retain a high caffeine content. This roast is suitable for filter coffee makers and is used to highlight the delicate and complex notes of the coffee.

Medium Roast: Medium roasted coffee beans are darker in color compared to light roasts, but still have no oil on the surface. The flavor is more balanced, with less acidity than in light roasts, but still with a good aroma. This type of roast is versatile and is suitable for both filter coffee makers and espresso machines.

Dark roast: Dark roasted coffee beans are characterized by their almost black chocolate brown color, and the surface of the beans is often shiny due to the presence of oils. This type of roasting provides more intense and often more bitter flavors, with spicy nuances. It is mainly used in espresso makers as the dark roast can withstand the pressure and heat required for espresso preparation. The acidity tends to be low in this type of coffee.

Choosing the roast level is a matter of personal preference and depends on the flavors you want to experience in the coffee. Each type of toast offers a different flavor experience, so you can select the one that best suits your tastes and preparation method.

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